Tag Archives: superfood

Eggs and Milk for Health

20 Apr

This Post is dedicated to our happy hens.

We Raise Happy, Healthy Chickens, bonded to us at birth.
Our chickens are Beyond Organic, They live in a large organic garden area, and are nourished every day with Wheatgrass
Our EGGS have deep orange yolks. Beyond Delicious, Yum!

Food as Medicine:

Eggs And Milk

The average physician, when he has an anemic patient, pre-scribes iron as a tonic. In theory, this is correct because the patient is deficient in iron; practically, it is incorrect because the iron he prescribes is inorganic, and as the system of man has no power to absorb and make use of inorganic substances, as has the plant, there can be no direct benefit from the use of inorganic iron, though there may be an indirect action, through its affinity to organic iron.

The food scientist, knowing that the system of an anemic person. is in need of iron, does not prescribe an inorganic substance of questionable value, but prescribes food known to contain an abundance of organic iron, which may be absorbed by the system, and a gradual improvement will commence and ultimate recovery assured through rebuilding the system and supplying it with the lacking elements. One of the foods most dearly indicated in such cases, and containing the greatest amount of iron, is the apple; this may be taken in any style; raw between meals, stewed or baked at bed time, but without sugar or cream.

Spinach also contains much iron and may be boiled and served with the regular noon or evening meals as a vegetable. Other food rich in cell salts, such as whole wheat bread, milk, eggs, fish etc. should be served with it.

As previously stated, one of the most important medicines indicated in both anemic and tubercular cases, is iron; the vegetables in which this is found in its highest organic form are, lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, and in some slight degree, in cabbage. We also find this mineral element in some form in the potato, but to get its benefit the potato must be eaten as a whole because the mineral is found in the outer covering.

The anemic is not deficient only in the iron element as so generally believed by the medical profession, he is even more lacking in phosphoric acid; it is this deficiency which so often causes a gradual weakening of the lungs; this may, and often does, develop into tuberculosis.

In the treatment of these cases dietetically we are liable to fail if we consider all milk under one classification, there is milk and milk, one rich in phosphoric acid while another is decidedly poor. Milk may pass the official test for germ life and still be low in its phosphoric acid content. In fact, some milk is as low as .12 per cent while good milk may be as rich as .48 per cent in phosphoric acid.

Likewise with eggs; to all appearance they may be fresh and rich in food value, while as an actual fact they are almost worthless as a food in these cases where a richness in mineral elements is required.

Why is this?

Experiments carried on at our farm have demonstrated the reason. The cow to be healthy, should have as its feed: fresh grass in Summer and as late in Fall as possible. This is always rich in all the organic mineral elements so essential to the health of the cow, and in the production of milk with a full quota of these elements; this green food must be reinforced with other feed, consisting of a combination of corn, wheat bran, whole oats, sugar feed and oil meal.

It must be remembered that unlike the food to which man is accustomed, it is not the inner, fine, starchy matter that can be fed the cow but the whole of the grain, including all of the outer covering which is full of the organic elements. These grains, rich in the life principle or vitamine, nuclein and mineral elements are the basic food of the animal, while the grasses, equally rich in vitamin and organic elements, serve as vegetables.

Food of this nature given the animal will produce a milk high in the contents of vitamin, organic salts, phosphoric acid etc. and when this is prescribed for sufferers from anemia or tuberculosis, there will be an immediate absorption of these necessary elements and a gradual improvement will commence, provided, of course, common sense is exercised in bathing, breathing, and physical exertion.

The organic salts, vitamin and phosphorus are actual, vital, energetic medicines in the true sense, and not mere substitutes such as are inorganic iron, salts and phosphorus usually prescribed.

There is another side to this question and one which vitally concerns not only the Dietitian, but all physicians who treat cases of this nature and who have the welfare of the people at heart. This has to do with the class of milk, passed by inspectors as of good quality but actually possessing very little food value.

We have considered the healthy milk and the reason for it; consideration will now be given to the other kind, milk which has failed to nourish those greatly in need of super-nourishment, as well as the means of indirectly causing countless deaths.

The average owner of cows, looking only to the profit he can derive from his stock, and totally ignorant of the results follow-ing the use of milk deficient in the food elements, or possibly caring little if he did know, will not go to the expense of buying the high priced, carefully balanced basic foods, but purchases the by-products from breweries, which can be obtained so abundantly and cheaply.

These grains have gone through a process of fermentation and thereby have been robbed of practically all the food value, of the vitamin, nuclein and mineral elements.

Once the brewer has extracted all the elements he can, it becomes so much waste to him and he must rid himself of it, he is therefore willing to sell very cheaply. The large feed houses throughout the country buy this material and in turn sell it to retail houses and mills, these again sell it to the farmer. The farmer finds it a cheap food, one that actually increases his milk supply, thereby giving him a better profit on his investments. His milk passes both the butter fat and germ test and is labelled as healthy milk, fit as food for both the sick and the well.

Herein is the secret why milk often fails as a builder in those diseases where it is indicated as the proper food and correct medicine. The cows being fed on feed which has been robbed of practically all its vital or organic salts, cannot by any stretch of the imagination, be supposed able to give milk containing the necessary elements, hence such who take the milk with the expectation of being built up, or rejuvenated, through its use, are sadly disappointed.

This is not a theory, it is fact; personally demonstrated on our farms, in this manner: Buying the finest Guernsey cows, we had them on test for Advance Registration, fed them on brewer’s grain and hay, and our milk not only passed the test as to the necessary amount of fat, but also as to quantity of milk. In other words, the milk was considered healthy, a desirable food, and all the difference that could be noted was, the cows did not show as healthy a condition as under correctly balanced rations. That is, though healthy in so far as tests could demonstrate, they were not as lively as when fed whole grain food.

Noting this, we changed the food, gave them either hay in Winter, or pasture in Summer, and instead of the deficient brewer’s grain, a mixture of the whole corn (ground), bran, oats, sugar feed and oil meal, and the sleek appearance gradually returned and more life shown. However, under test the milk did not show any great increase in butter fat content, nor any considerably greater amount of milk.

Thus, under the two feedings and under the present method of testing, one kind of milk was as desirable as the other for food, though actually one class of milk was totally unfit, barely passable as a drink, and would have been a detriment to either an anemic or consumptive, because it gave the system much labor to digest it, without adding much building material; while the other milk was a true food, builder and medicine.

This is the reason so many sufferers have taken quantities of milk daily without the least improvement in their condition. These being facts, immediate changes should be made in the system of testing milk, whereby we may learn whether it is rich in butter fat, vitamin and the mineral contents. Unless we do this we will continue to add countless victims to our list of those resulting from taking food which adds the burden of digestion and elimination to the system without giving commensurate nourishment in return.

Normal milk, that is, milk containing all the elements it should, is the most perfectly balanced building food known to man; because it contains all of the seventeen organic mineral elements in their correct proportion, all the elements of food required by man; and at the same time is a neutralizer to an acid system.

Normal milk contains rather more of the elements of potassium and calcium than necessary to the fully matured and healthy man, and because of this and to offset it, the use of fruits deficient in these elements, should be eaten in conjunction with the taking of milk, though these must not be eaten with the milk, but between the taking of it.

Consumptives should eat plenty of apples and oranges between the drinking of milk, and vegetables rich in iron and nervines with the meals.

Although we have mentioned milk only in connection with the rebuilding of anemics and consumptives, it is indicated in many other conditions, especially in those where starved brain and nerves and where weakened generative organs are the cause of the trouble.

Eggs, like milk, are both food and medicine. They contain, in the white, an almost pure albumen; while the yolk, fat, phosphorus and sulphur.

All these are medicines to the weakened system; the fats and albumen are builders while the phosphorus is an absolute essential in the treatment of anemia, tuberculosis, all wasting diseases and neurasthenic conditions.

The sulphur is essential in the treatment of tuberculosis and in all other conditions where the cause is supposed to be found in germ life.

In the use of eggs either as a food or medicine certain results must be guarded against; these are the danger of creating sulphuric and sulphorous acid as well as phosphoric acid. These, in limited quantities, are curative in their nature, but if they accumulate beyond the normal amount they become dangerous to health. This accumulation may be avoided if the counter acids be supplied in the form of fruits and vegetables.

The rules governing the use of eggs in the dietary are like those which regulate the taking of milk; all fruits between the eating of the eggs, all vegetables served with them. Fruit to be eaten before retiring and on arising.

In all conditions where the stomach is found much weakened and the digestive power below the average, the egg diet must be started very gradually, otherwise there is a tendency to create gas, distending the stomach and intestines, this in turn creating other digestive and assimilative trouble. When gas accumulates after the eating of eggs it must be dispelled by eating plenty of fruit.

Much of the trouble may be avoided by eating no eggs before they are at least three days old, and never after they are three weeks. Before they are three days old, their mineral contents are not fully organized. After three weeks, these elements begin to disorganize.

In all conditions where the digestive power is extremely weak, but one yolk should be taken with every six whites and even then the whites should be well beaten. The stomach may also be prepared to receive and digest them by giving it a few leaves of crisp lettuce on which has been added a little good apple vinegar, one-half hour before the eggs are served.

Like milk, eggs are of two classes;
those forming good food, and those unfit for use.

The Horrendous Truth about Eggs
About 95 percent of the nation’s eggs are produced at caged-hen egg farms. ALERT to the public, to a practice that is cruel and neglectful. 100,000’s of chickens confined to small wire cages.
Hen corpses lying in cages with live hens, many had fallen into deep manure pits or others with their heads apparently caught in wire cages.

During the war we were told to save all scraps and feed them to chickens, that any food fit for human consumption should not be fed to them. If these instructions were carried out, the farmer fed only waste scraps, unfit for table use, to his fowls and this may have been one of the reasons why the fearful epidemic raged during. the latter period of the war.

All who have experimented with poultry know it is utterly impossible to raise chickens, and just as futile to maintain the health of the flock, if the food given them is not clean and fresh enough for human consumption.

Time and again the test has been made of feeding fowls principally on stale white bread. This tends to fatten fowls for a time, but gradually a breaking down process results and the fowls become what may be termed consumptives.

Unless the food supplied chickens is in correct proportion, disease results, moreover, it is utterly impossible for the eggs to contain the correct elements of food if the material containing these be not fed the fowls in like proportion. The result is, if we rob the fowl of its correct and healthy food, we will most assuredly rob the egg of the nutriment and proper constituents, and instead of it being a splendid building food it actually is a source of danger, because it will be un-healthy, unbalanced, deficient in nutriment, containing too much of the acid and gas forming material.

Because of this the egg has found so much disfavor among those who should consider it their best food, and considering the universal system of wrong feeding of both cows and fowls, we should not wonder why these foods, so necessary in the treatment of wasting diseases, fail to do that which chemistry says they should.

The greatest reason for failure in the treatment of tuberculosis, anemia and like diseases with diet, is because of food not containing the elements which it is supposed to, and should contain; in the wrong combination of these with other foods, principally the fruits, and in not recognizing the danger line in prescribing food medicines.

Milk is nature’s most potent medicine for all wasting diseases, but if it is robbed of its medicinal elements it cannot bring good results any more than one would expect to see any great improvement in a case where the physician prescribed Hydrastis for some abnormal condition of the stomach and the patient, instead of taking the number of drops indicated, were simply to flavor the water with a few drops and take this dilution instead of the full strength of the medicine.
Milk without its full quota of nutriment and vital content is just like the diluted medicine except it requires greater effort on the part of the digestive and eliminating organism to take care of it.

Milk consists of carbohydrates in the form of milk sugar, hydrocarbons in the form of fat, protein in the form of casein (the most powerful nerve and brain builder known to science), the mineral elements, principally potassium, iron, sodium, lime, magnesium and other salts. Of these salts the iron and phos-phorus are of greatest importance. Besides the food and the mineral elements which we term super-food elements, milk and all dairy products are rich in the life principle vitamin.

That the benefit of the vitamin, albumen and casein be obtained, it should be taken in the natural, unboiled state. Cook-ing, even slightly heating, will partly destroy the vitamine in milk, eggs and dairy products.

In all wasting diseases and those conditions which cannot be classed as wasting, but in which there is a low state of vitality, it is the iron, phosphorus and potassium which acts as builders in helping to rebuild the wasted tissues and restore the vital power. Unless we can accomplish this rebuilding, we cannot establish an equilibrium, and a normal, healthy, virile state is impossible. Milk Contains all of these necessary elements, therefore is the natural, logical remedy.

People universally believe tuberculosis a germ disease, instead of what it actually is; a condition, a low state of vitality being the base. They cannot yet comprehend that when the system is fortified with vital power, and the correct amount of true foods consumed, supplying the system with all the necessary elements, no amount of germs will be able to make any headway against such.

Neither germs or bacteria are the actual cause of disease, but on the contrary, a low state of vitality will allow the resisting forces to become so weak that germs which in health are natural, become the enemies and invade the system, producing disease.

In the body of man there are millions of valiant soldiers ever ready to battle against any enemy that may attempt an attack; these soldiers are the corpuscles in the blood, and the power behind them is the organic phosphoric compound which we call nuclein.

When these little soldiers are fully supplied with the phosphorus compound they are able to resist any attack of the enemy disease, and invasion is impossible. It is because of this that men and women have been able to be in the midst of the world’s worst plagues and pass through them in safety. If these little soldier-workers are not supplied with sufficient phosphorus, then like the ill-fed army that has to fight against a well nourished one, they wage a losing battle.

Let all clearly understand the enemy is always at hand. Examine the throat of a healthy man, woman or child and one will find the germs of Diphtheria, but of this nothing is thought, it is, actually a normal state because these germs act as scavengers. But the the moment the vital forces fall below a certain stage the instant the phosphoric contents of the blood corpuscles is below normal, that moment these scavengers may become the enemy invaders and produce the disease. In other words, the Hun on the outlet who may be a willing worker while the master is strong, becomes the invader, conqueror and destroyer when the master loses his strength.

Contrary to what one might suppose, it is not difficult to supply the necessary mineral elements; the phosphorus, iron and potassium. All we need to do is to compose the menu of healthy, natural, complete foods, and refuse to partake of those which have been robbed of their vitalizing principles.

Every time we buy white bread, buns and sweet cakes, every time we accept white rice, polished barley and denatured corn meal, we act the traitor to this army of little soldiers; we give them a stone when they ask for bread, and then expect them to fight the invading enemy. We give them starch when they ask for food that contains phosphorus, potassium, iron and the fourteen other cell salts essential to their life and energy.

Every time a cook boils a vegetable and throws aside the water in which they are boiled, she wastes the actual food which these workers require in their fight to maintain health and strength.

Whenever a potato is peeled and the peelings thrown away or fed to the hogs, the hogs are fed and the army of workers starved.

When we boil milk or eggs, we coagulate the albumen and destroy the vitamine, thus robbing the workers of the food which would give them vital power.

In feeding hogs on brewer’s grain and other offal, instead of sour milk and grain feeds, we perpetuate a robbery on society, because we sell the hogs as good food when in fact it is not fit for human consumption, the necessary food elements being lacking.

When the skin is removed from the apple, pear or other fruit and discarded as unfit to eat, we rob ourselves of the active food value which is essential to health and vital energy.

The chemist who would take an herb and macerate it, filter it and throw away the tincture, keeping the dregs as medicine, would be considered ignorant and unfit to serve his vocation, but throughout the world countless housewives are daily stewing fruits, vegetables and all manner of other foods, draining the water wherein boiled and throwing it away as of no value, keeping the refuse or waste and serving it as food.

To be continued…

Links From The Thinking Person’s Guide to Perfect Health

  • Nutritional Medicine-The Standardized Allopathic Approach : The practice of standardized allopathic medicine involves diagnosis and suppression of disease with specific “cures,” when they are available. Standardized allopathic medicine does not attempt to actually cure disease, but rather to simply suppress the expression of disease symptoms
  • Slowing and Reversing the Effects of Aging We live in an age of expansion in all areas of human knowledge. The total amount of information which is available doubles every five years. Medicine is no exception. The average doctor completed training fifteen years ago. That means the amount of information a person needs to know to be a top-flight medical expert has doubled three times since then.

Wheatgrass: Superfood for a New Millennium

4 May

Li D SmithBeing alert and alive turns you into a happy walking, talking ball of energy. You will also feel much better. Complete rejuvenation of body, mind and spirit is possible when vitality is high.

Scientists agree: you are your best healer. Studies show that you can overcome chronic health problems including high blood pressure, asthma, depression, certain types of cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis with good nutrition and sensible exercise.

All living things need energy to live. Both animals and plants need a supply of raw, live food to provide them with this energy. Radiant energy of sunlight and chemical energy of organic compounds are the two sources of energy available to living systems. Green plants, algae and some bacteria are able to convert this energy, through photosynthesis, into chemical energy that they can use. Stored as simple sugars, it provides the necessary energy for important metabolic activities essential for growth, repair and maintenance. Energy is created in every cell, everyday. Each cell requires nutrients, with some being used as “fuel” for cellular respiration.

Wheatgrass is a natural energizer that really works. In wheatgrass, photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplasts, miniature solar converters inside the plant cells. The chloroplasts contain the pigment chlorophyll, which is able to absorb light in the blue, violet and red parts of the spectrum. Green light is not absorbed, but reflected. This is why wheatgrass appears green.

If you are not as fit and healthy as you’d like to be, consider drinking wheatgrass juice on a daily basis. Wheatgrass juice is the all-in-one solution to radiant health, energy and rejuvenation!

Wheatgrass, which is the young grass of the wheat plant, captures an enormous amount of radiant energy via photosynthesis. Chlorophyll constitutes 70% of the solute in wheatgrass and has been extensively tested for its extraordinary healing powers.

Generous amounts of vitamins are also present in fresh, healthy wheatgrass. The antioxidants, A, C and E are abundant, as are minerals of key importance such as magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc and potassium. A glass of the green-juice supplies you with almost all of the 102 known elements (that is, if it is grown in optimal organic soil). It is a complete food!

Author Li D Smith of “Wheatgrass: Superfood for a New Millennium” was born in Luxembourg and raised on a farm in South Africa, married an artist and enjoys painting and writing.

Great health doesn’t require bags full of expensive supplements. An abundance of positive energy, and a glass of wheatgrass juice is often all you need to set the scene for a healthier life.

The following are links to Li D Smith and Richard’s bio and book pages,
A MUST BUY For D-Light-full Health!

Li D Smith with Wheatgrass Tonic

Author Li D Smith
Wheatgrass: Superfood for a New Millennium

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