Tag Archives: cumin

Wheatgrass Tonic

4 May

Grow Wheatgrass for Health and Wellbeing Are you feeling tired or depressed?

Fresh wheatgrass, vegetables and special spices help you maintain a healthy body and mind. The following health drink is easy to make, and it is guaranteed to give you a liquid buzz!
You need a blender.

Wheatgrass Energy Tonic (serves 4-6)

1 tray wheatgrass(A5 size)cut down to the roots and washed
1 tablespoon raw honey
1 small beetroot and leaves
1 spinach leaf
1 small carrot
1 stalk celery
1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
1 teaspoon sesame seeds
1 chunk ginger, peeled and chopped
2 pints cold water Raw honey, sesame seeds, cumin and cinnamon powder are obtainable at health food shops.

Wash the vegetables.
Blend together all the above ingredients and strain into a jug.
If this is the first time you are drinking wheatgrass juice, limit your intake to 1/8 of a tray of wheatgrass.
Increase your intake gradually.

How much juice to take

As with any health regime, it is important to begin and to proceed with caution. Start off with 1/8 tray of freshly juiced wheatgrass. This is about an ounce.

Wheatgrass can be expressed in a wheatgrass juicer, or the grass can be blended in a liquidizer with purified water (raw honey, herbs, etc. are optional) and strained to make a refreshing drink. Strain the liquid and serve immediately. Left-over juice can be refrigerated for about 12 hours or deep frozen.

Ideally, it is best to drink the juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. It takes fast-acting wheatgrass juice just 20 minutes to be assimilated into the system and to start its process of breaking down old mucus and toxins. Brimming with natural enzymes, chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals and vitamins, wheatgrass is the perfect, complete whole-food.

It will compensate for nutritional deficiencies, naturally, and add vigour to your step.

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